Schoolcraft Township

Freedom of Information Act

Contact Information

Eska Brown

Phone: 269-649-1276

Fax: (269) 649-2232

To ease the filing of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Schoolcraft Township has gathered all necessary summaries and forms on this page, detailing how to submit a FOIA request to the Township, what to expect from your request, and the Township’s deposit requirements. The included public summary is the recommended starting point. Once you’ve gained an understanding of the process, you will also find the necessary FOIA Request Form included in the repository on this page.


How do I submit a FOIA request to the Township?

  • A request must sufficiently describe a public record so as to enable the Township to find it.
  • Please include the words “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” in the request to assist the Township in providing a prompt response.  
  • Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records prepared, owned, used, possessed, or retained by the Township may be submitted on the Township’s FOIA Request Form, in any other form of writing (letter, fax, email, etc.), or by verbal request. 
  • Any verbal request will be documented by the Township on the Township’s FOIA Request Form. 
  • No specific form to submit a written request is required. 
  • Written requests may be delivered to the Township Hall in person or by mail:           
  • Office Location: 50 East “VW” Avenue, Vicksburg, MI 49097
  • Requests may be emailed to: To ensure a prompt response, email requests should contain the term “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” in the subject line.